Spine Care

If you’re suffering from pain or your health isn’t as good as you would like it to be, Dr. Archie Rodriguez in Westlake Village and North Hollywood, CA, is the spine specialist to work with to meet your goals.

3 Reasons to Visit a Chiropractic Spine Specialist

Chiropractors are spine specialists who utilize holistic and natural methods of treatment. Below, Dr. Rodriguez and his team in Westlake Village and North Hollywood, CA, share just a few of the many benefits you can receive through regular visits to a chiropractic spine specialist.

1. Reduces or Eliminates Pain Naturally

Even though you might not realize it, issues in the spine cause various types of pain and health issues. When something is out of alignment in the spinal column, it puts pressure on the surrounding components, including the muscles, discs, and nerves.

Not only does this cause back pain, but it can also lead to headaches, neck pain, extremity pain, and more. A chiropractor can examine your full musculoskeletal system, determine where the source of your pain lies, and use non-invasive methods to eliminate that source.

2. Improves Posture

Your posture does more than affect how you look. It has a direct impact on your general health and wellness. Poor posture is linked to various spinal column injuries and pain. Chiropractic spine specialists can help improve your posture by restoring alignment to the spine and working with you to build better habits.

3. Improves Circulation and Range of Motion

Issues in the musculoskeletal system don’t just cause pain. They can also impede blood flow and make it difficult to move well. Chiropractic care is highly effective at removing restrictions in the spinal column, naturally improving blood flow throughout the body and restoring your range of motion.

Relieve pain and improve your health by visiting spine specialist Dr. Rodriguez in Westlake Village or North Hollywood, CA. You can schedule an appointment at our Westlake Village office at (805) 497-8581 or our North Hollywood office at (818) 231-8041.

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chiropractic spine


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