Auto Injury

Car accident

Trauma from a car accident may not produce immediate symptoms, and it can be weeks, months, or years before you realize that you have injuries. As an auto injury chiropractor with offices in Westlake Village, CA, and North Hollywood, CA, Dr. Archie Rodriguez recommends that you schedule an evaluation.

Why Should I See a Chiropractor After an Auto Accident?

Injuries from a car accident aren’t always apparent. You may feel fine in the days after the accident, yet your neck and spine have suffered damage. Over time, inflammation sets in, and the tissues begin to heal, often in a way that creates excessive scar tissue. Dr. Rodriguez recognizes the signs of the most common auto injuries and will provide treatment to ensure your body heals properly.

How Soon Should I See a Chiropractor?

Auto accidents often cause soft tissue damage, and the symptoms are hidden by inflammation and a release of pain-reducing hormones in your body. You may not know that you suffered an injury for quite some time after the incident. Dr. Rodriguez recommends that you schedule an appointment with him within a few days of the accident. The exception is if your primary doctor has you on bed rest. If this is the case, see Dr. Rodriguez within a few days of being able to resume your activities.

What Types of Auto Accident Injuries are Treated by a Chiropractor?

An auto injury chiropractor treats conditions that affect your spine, including the vertebrae and discs. Dr. Rodriguez also helps with other types of injuries, such as those that affect your muscles, connective tissues, and joints. Whiplash, headaches, pinched nerves, and herniated discs are some of the most common injuries suffered during an auto accident.

How Often Will I Need to See a Chiropractor?

Depending on the nature of your injuries, Dr. Rodriguez may recommend several appointments per week for the first month or two. Once you are stabilized, he may recommend treatment every two to four weeks. You may only need monthly maintenance treatments as your body continues to heal.

Do I Need to See My Primary Doctor While Receiving Chiropractic Treatments?

Working with your primary care physician and other specialists is important to your healing. You should continue to keep appointments with these medical providers unless they release you from treatment. Dr. Rodriguez works in conjunction with your medical team.

Schedule an Appointment Today

Have you been in a car accident? Dr. Rodriguez recommends that you be evaluated by an auto injury chiropractor. Call us today at (805) 497-8581 for our Westlake Village, CA, office or (818) 231-8041 for our office in North Hollywood, CA.

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